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Avoid Eating Print Jobs

    If you’ve ever done any print marketing, you’ve probably heard the term “Eating a Job”. Typically, it means that a drastic mistake has been made by someone during the process of creating a marketing piece. Technically you as the customer have the ultimate responsibility. We all know however that the customer is always…

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…the other Robotic. Without SEO keywords embedded into your online copy, you are at a disadvantage with your competitors who invest in such services. Are You Optimized? That’s why Cimetta Design offers SEO Optimized Copy writing services! What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. These are the words that rank your website higher in search…

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A Copy Writing Plan For Your Website

At the end of July we posted an article “Things To Know Before You Write Your Website Copy” and once you have all that information together, you can then begin to write your copy. Sometimes people don’t realize how much copy they need for a website, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It is…

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