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The Importance of a Social Media Presence for Businesses

With new technology comes new business demands. Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, operate as an all-in-one marketing, advertising, and information resource for companies. Thus the  importance of a social media presence for businesses is elevated. Without a social media presence, your website is like an advertisement standing still in a moving crowd.

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Avoid Eating Print Jobs

    If you’ve ever done any print marketing, you’ve probably heard the term “Eating a Job”. Typically, it means that a drastic mistake has been made by someone during the process of creating a marketing piece. Technically you as the customer have the ultimate responsibility. We all know however that the customer is always…

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Fingers do the walking?

Now a days, marketing can be boiled down into two categories: Outbound Marketing and Inbound Marketing. Outbound Marketing is the aggravating, expensive, and ineffective stuff that we all despise. Commercials, postcard campaigns, cold calls; all of the marketing techniques that interrupt and force themselves in front of us and especially others. Five to ten years ago, that…

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Magic of Typography.

I don’t know if you’re a fan, but last night I was catching up with my favorite series: The Game of Thrones. Holy expletive, is it awesome. During the latest episode, between all the dragons, castles, and shocking weddings (watch the series to get the reference), one of the characters said something that helped me…

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Twenty years ago, before everything went digital, paper was more of a consideration than it is today. Technology has completely flipped the way businesses consider their paper products and what paper products that they decide are necessary.

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