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Instant Karma: Make your company the John Lennon of Social Media

 I came across an article from 2009 entitled, “Who will be the John Lennon of Social Media?” In this article, the writer discusses how the negative and positive components of people come alive through the anonymity that the internet affords us. But what of those who choose to stand tall and speak from our own…

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Twitter vs Instagram

So Facebook-owned Instagram is not having any playtime with Twitter. A few days ago, Instagram made uploading their photos on Twitter look like a scene from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas…but not in a cool way. Twitter vs Instagram Now Twitter has its own photo filters, too. I like this inter-market friction. The more…

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It has left something behind that will control what you are looking for. Should you call an exterminator? Are you infected.  There are very few ways  of avoiding them. The bots and spiders are in control and they have long memories. They are somewhat in control of you and what you like to view.  They…

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Finding a graphic design studio?

There are several types of customers we deal with on a regular basis. A customer who knows nothing, and needs help in every area. A customer who know a little and needs help in certain areas. A customer who knows exactly what they want. Click to enlarge.   The worst customer is none of the…

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…the other Robotic. Without SEO keywords embedded into your online copy, you are at a disadvantage with your competitors who invest in such services. Are You Optimized? That’s why Cimetta Design offers SEO Optimized Copy writing services! What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. These are the words that rank your website higher in search…

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