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If your packaging is intriguing enough, it could sway someone to buy your product. On the contrary, if your package design is dull and unattractive it can cause people to choose your competitor’s product instead. There are always new innovations in packaging and I came across these 5 Amazing Packages that I’d like to share with you.

The iBox is packaging made for Apple products. The box can charge the battery, apply software updates, and display images on the screen such as product demonstrations. These features make the packaging more interactive than any other typical box or container. Right now this is only an idea generated by Apple’s R&D department that they may soon patent. There was no mention of which Apple products this box would be used for specifically, but since it is only an idea at this point, it can be assumed that it could eventually be used for all electronic products they carry.


A company called MonoSol has developed water-soluble wrappers in order to reduce the amount of plastic waste from packaging. Instead of opening the package and throwing it away, you can put the whole thing in water and the packaging will dissolve.  It is great for anything instant and can be used for items like coffee, oatmeal, or soup.


Anti-bacterial packaging
Right now this type of packaging is only an idea, but it could be the future of packaging for food. A Norwegian research study by Nofima has shown that using cinnamon, oregano or lemon on meat products could help prevent bacteria from growing. Biopackaging could also play a role sometime soon. It is made from recycled food waste which could reduce some of the trash that households produce each year.


Face Packaging for

This wool from Ogilvy Frankfurt uses human faces on their packaging to bring attention to their wool. It attracts your eye because it looks like the wool is part of the package instead of just the product itself.



This packaging for Klein Constantia honey is eye-catching and really brings out what the product is about. It is elegant, yet creative enough to stand out.

bees knees honey packaging

image source: dailyhealthyrecipes

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About the Author

Xavier Cimetta

Xavier Cimetta is part owner and the head Designer/Front-end developer at Cimetta Design, Inc. As an entrepreneur and work-a-holic, his mission is to help fellow entrepreneurs & businesses design beautiful brands, websites, packaging and experiences to reach their goals.

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