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Small businesses may think that larger corporations have it all. They have enough money to spend on countless advertising campaigns, a well-known brand and experience to back it all up. Even though this may be true, big businesses may be able to learn a thing or two from these mom-and-pop shops. Just think about it, small business owners have less money to spend and therefore they use it carefully to make sure they get the best results for every dollar put out. Staying afloat may be harder for a small business than a larger one, but there are a few things they do that may prove to be more beneficial.

Grassroots Marketing

Small companies may not have clever TV commercials and huge billboards, but their marketing focuses more on face-to-face interaction. This may seem like a drawback at first, but it can be the very crucial thing that sets them apart. If people get to know you personally and hear your story, they will feel more connected to your brand. Bigger corporations probably don’t do this enough. Why would they take the time to go and meet people on an individual basis when they can just make a commercial and show it to everyone at once? Well, the problem is people don’t connect with these general marketing techniques the way they do with an actual person.

Going the Extra Mile

A personal touch really does go a long way. I’ve purchased from small companies many times before and on multiple occasions they include small gifts or a little extra something. When you buy a product from a big company, let’s say a t-shirt online from Old Navy, what you see is what you get. Many times I prefer to purchase from these smaller brands that go the extra mile to make their customers happy.

Social Media

Small businesses are also a little more personal on their social media pages. Large corporations are mainly focused on gaining more likes and followers and sometimes forget to connect with people on a personal level. Small companies want to have a lot of followers too, but most of their posts are written by the business owners themselves. They are more likely to care about what their business is doing than an employee hired by a large corporation.

The Vision Behind the Brand

Many people start their own business to pursue their passion and share it with the world. Once the business grows larger it sometimes loses its original focus and becomes a profit driven machine. But when small businesses stay small and tight knit, it is much easier to keep the passion alive. Customers love to see the passion that made you go into business in the first place is still alive and present. Money is an important thing, but it shouldn’t be our number one reason for doing business.

Corporations may be on top for the most part, but it is good to see that small businesses can still stand out. If you want to read more about this you can check out the article.

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About the Author

Xavier Cimetta

Xavier Cimetta is part owner and the head Designer/Front-end developer at Cimetta Design, Inc. As an entrepreneur and work-a-holic, his mission is to help fellow entrepreneurs & businesses design beautiful brands, websites, packaging and experiences to reach their goals.

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